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My Open-sourced Apps! 🎁
Check the GitHub links below to get the code, improve it or integrate it in your own projects!
Coming soon! ⚡
Keep your eyes peeled for these! I'll release them shortly!

Pandas Profiler
Easy Exploratory Data Analyses on multiple CSVs! Check correlated variables, quantile + descriptive statistics in one click!
🧰 Stack
Streamlit, Pandas Profiling Component
✨ Fields
EDA, Statistics

GA API Connector
Make the most of the Google Analytics API by simply adding your API credentials! No more daily capped exports!
🧰 Stack
Streamlit, Pandas, Google Analytics API
✨ Fields
Analytics, PPC, SEO

Leverage the power of Google T5 & Hugging Face Transformers to generate quality question & answer pairs directly from URLs!
🧰 Stack
Streamlit, NLTK, Google T5 via Hugging Face Transformers
✨ Fields
NLP, SEO, Content Generation
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